Suggested Heli-Ski Day Itinerary
7:30 am
Enjoy a delicious breakfast at Cherry Creek Estate
Guides ensure guests are equipment-ready (ie. skis, packs, shovels, probes etc.). This may be done the evening before.
Sign waivers
8:00 am
Boulder Hut guides will explain the day ahead. Briefing to include:
Elements and hazards
Avalanche overview
Partnering when skiing in the trees
Communication on hill and in helicopter
8:30 am
Helicopter arrives on-site at Cherry Creek Estate
9:00 am
Guests dressed and ready for ski day
Transceiver training
Helicopter safety briefing
10:00 am
Group 1 departs via shuttle to Kimberley Alpine Resort heli-pad
Group 2 departs via helicopter from Cherry Creek Estate
—————— Complete 2 runs with a professional guide ——————
Lunch Break
Enjoy a gourmet bagged lunch on the mountain
—————— Complete one more run with a professional guide* ——————
4:00 pm (approx.)
Return to Cherry Creek Estate for après ski
*Additional runs are available upon request for an additional charge.